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Powerfully Small and Green Ideabox


"It's like a loft you can take anywhere.Ideabox offers a pretty cool product in the modern, prefabricated housing industry.  Ideabox emphasizes good design, not square footage, and they make it easy to do.  With Ideabox, you're going to get the entire package right to your site.  There's one day to install it, one day to build the deck, and that's about it.  Depending on your site, all you really need to do is set up the water, power, septic, and sewer systems.  You can even go wireless with the turnkey solar system package, too. 

There's a few different models of the Ideabox, depending on which one fits you best.  There's the Northwest Modern, which is "400 sf of living large" and comes green (this is the one pictured above and below).  Supposedly, the price for the Northwest Modern prefab is about $75,000.  I'll see if I can track down more details to verify that. There's also the Confluence Modern, which is about 750 sf and certified Energy Star.  All the prefabs seem to be made with good green materials, too, which is exactly what we like.   






I had some other pictures of this prefab with a link to the person that posted the pictures online. It was just some random person that had walked through the prefab, not anyone associated with Ideabox. So I got a weird email from the picture owner, so I decided to kill the link and take down the pictures. No big deal, but the new pictures look just as good.


Just wanted to comment on your review of our products, and the great use of graphics! You can use images from our site anytime! We were doing TV interviews and used "powerfully small" on the air! We recently completed a round of Northwest shows from Salem to Seattle to great reviews and media attention. Our green materials packaged in our modern designed exterior really identify with people looking to live simpler without compromise. Thanks for your help in telling our story.

I like your style.

Elizabeth B.

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