Brad Pitt's Hypnotic, Green Holy Cross Project

My wife sent me this article from Perez Hilton about Brad Pitt, who will be appearing on NBC's Today with Ann Curry to talk about his green development project in New Orleans. I'm not a reader of the celebrity sites, so I would have missed this, but the New Orleans development project is really moving along. And the green houses they are building are 100% incredible. Brad has good style -- it fits so well with Jetson Green, we should just bring him on as a regular writer!
Global Green broke ground on the Holy Cross Project on May 10. Yesterday, they unveiled the progress on this first home, which is still under construction. It's going to be a showcase home, but in total, the Holy Cross Project will have 5 homes and 18 apartments. All of them will be affordable and green. The goals of the project are to achieve LEED Platinum certification (LEED-H for the single family homes and LEED-NC for the other buildings), net zero energy, and carbon neutral building. By using solar panels, high performance building design, HVAC systems, energy and resource monitoring systems, and energy efficient appliances, the buildings in the Holy Cross Project will use at least 75% less energy than typical buildings. In addition, Global Green is also exploring the use of river turbines in the adjacent Mississipi River.

Make sure to check out the interactive tour of the home on Yahoo! Green. There's a lot of green in these homes: rain water reclamation system, rooftop photovoltaic system, native water conserving shade landscaping, rain gardens, permeable pavement, tankless water heaters, low-flow plumbing, CFL and LED lighting, green carpet tiles, FSC-certified wood or Blu Wood, spray foam insulation, and no- or low-VOC paints ... to name a few green options. Importantly, the water and energy saving technologies built into these structures will keep operating costs down -- a major concern for lower income occupants. These homes are going to be excellent.

I hadn't seen the design information. This looks great.
Posted by: KD Griffin | August 22, 2007 at 07:18 PM
There's a good article that hit Yahoo! front page today with some quotes from Brad Pitt. Also, for the ladies, here's some images of the man ... not at all unlike a young Howard Roark walking his projects, right?!
Posted by: Preston | August 23, 2007 at 01:45 AM
The "Pitt houses" should become the standard or at least reference models of the houses of tomorrow. In fact, builders everywhere should already adopt the designs now that we are in a world and age of global warming issues and other environmental debacles.
Pitt urges New Orleans to 'build something smarter':
- Alvin from TheScienceDesk at
Posted by: alvinwriter | August 23, 2007 at 07:32 PM
Here's some video and information of Brad with Ann Curry.
Posted by: Preston | August 24, 2007 at 04:44 PM
For up-to-date information on this, check out the Help Holy Cross Blog.
Posted by: Preston | August 29, 2007 at 08:51 AM
If you are interested in finding the best material for building green please check out This company has a product that should be considered when building any green project and for rebuilding areas destroyed by natural disasters. Please take time to visit the site or contact me for more information. (Matthew Rager 903-366-1125) With this company we can build to save the enviornment and also rebuild the dreams of people affected by natural disasters. Thank You.
Posted by: Matthew Rager | October 10, 2008 at 06:36 AM
lets see how long it takes people to trash these!
Posted by: amber | October 28, 2008 at 11:11 PM